A venue for sharing experiences and ideas concerning community volunteer work .

Thursday, September 6, 2012

You're my favorite idiot!

Here are two stories from recent months that exemplify the joys of volunteering with children. 

Jr High lunch time hall monitor:
     I stand in the hallway for 30 minutes 2-3 times a week, keeping tweens and teens from making too much noise while others are in class. It's a simple job. The assistant principal always says, "Thanks!" when I turn in my badge at the end of my shift. 
     One lovely winter day, a pair of bored boys came up to me and asked how much I get paid to stand there. I told them that I didn't get paid a dime and that Moms do nice things without getting paid. They looked at each other and one said in a scolding voice, "Well you're an IDIOT!!"  They walked away and I finished my shift. I told the office staff and we all had a good laugh. They said I was their favorite idiot. LOL

These photos were taken ten years ago, not the same kids as in my story, but very similar  : )

 Nursery for 3-yr olds, substitute:
   A friend of mine needed an extra set of hands one day in her nursery. I didn't know most of the little kids but they didn't seem to mind. One girl sort of took to me and we read stories together, sometimes sitting on a chair and sometimes laying on our backs.
   About two weeks later I saw that little girl with her Mom. Her eyes got big and she tugged on her Mother's face to force it my way. With great enthusiasm she exclaimed, "That's my favorite teacher!" I felt very awkward not even remembering her name. 
So, with the many hours I put in at the Jr High, and the little time I helped in the nursery, I've decided that my favorite phrase is "You are my favorite idiot!"  It actually fits many scenarios, even if I don't say it out loud, especially when I don't say it out loud!. 

Do you have a similar experience?  Please share!



  1. I'm curious as to why YOU volunteer. With such a demand on your time, energy and other resources, and sometimes little reward or thanks, what drives you to, as you say, "sign up?" =)
    I'd also love to hear your advice for those who want to get involved, but dont' know how identify the most time-worthy cause. What do you consider when choosing a project?

  2. Both are great stories and I love your favorite quote! :) Definitely a useful commentary on many occasions, haha!
