A venue for sharing experiences and ideas concerning community volunteer work .

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tis the Season...United Way

I don't know about you, but I have been tapped a few times by the United Way this month. My post mail is overloaded with letters requesting assistance for charities. And when I go to WalMarat I hear the ringing bell of The Salvation Army.
That's right- it's donation time again! 

That season of giving-tree ornaments, food banks, and quilt tying. 

"For many years the body at Calvary has been challenged to spend a little less on themselves for Christmas in order to give to others in the name of Jesus. This year we are being challenged to think about three ways that we can all bless others this Christmas.


Giving TIME.
We hope that you accept the challenge and find ways to bless others this Christmas season."
 Why do we need to be asked, begged, and bribed to give to the less unfortunate? Why are solicitations only done during December? Why is the Utah food bank empty and the elementary school children fill nine industrial-size trash bags of uneaten food each day?
What is wrong with this place we call America? 

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